An example of a weather app written mainly in vanilla Javascript without a front-end framework. It is a work in Progress.
The app lets you type in any city in the world then places a marker on the globe it's location.
It returns the following data and adds it to a grid of items:
- Longitude
- Latitude
- Description (A description of the weather)
- Short Description (A short description of the weather)
- Temperature Description
- Max Temperature
- Min Temperature
It provides a message detailing what has happen or if there is an error.
There is a button to toggle the output from F to C for the temperature.
I used THREE.js for the 3D parts of this APP.
I used netlify functions to hide the API key from the client.
The rest is vanilla JS
- Add more client form validation
- Add post processing effects to the THREE scene
- Add floating text notes alongside the city markers
- Add some subtle background images to the main app
- Make user message more mobile friendly. Add swipe functionality.
- Revamp main style choices
- Change all temperatures when C/F button is toggled